Thursday, 24 March 2011

Graphic Generator

I have Created a Graphic generator using addChild() function again this uses an external class which is called upon in the main movie file. Have a go it gets a bit slow after a while due to memory issues. might have a look at how to solve that, been trying to use the removeChild() function but to no effect so far.

Tomato man needs water

Added more functionalty to my tomato man he now blinks when you click the mouse and I have also added the capability for him to collect water droplets using hit tests.

Your a Star

Been using classes again this time to create a star that appears when the mouse is clicked and then it slowly fades away. Had real issues with this until discovered that when you create the movie clip instance you have to link it to the External file.

Tomato Man

Been creating this little tomato character who moves around the screen with keyboard presses I used if statements to constrain his movements so he wont go off the screen.

Drawing on my own with some classes

I Created this drawing program within Flash as a first attempt at using external class files. Pretty pleased with myself as classes are difficult to get your head round. Going to attempt to add a bit more functionality to this and see where it leads me might try and change the size of the brush with a key press next.

Mono Face

I really enjoyed playing with this site which allows you to change peoples face and merge them with other peoples features. The site has really hi quality images which makes it look really good have a play.


This is a flash resource site with some really interesting flash files and tutorials about how to do certain actionScript functions. It has been really useful to look at and use as a resource.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Flash Tutorials

I have been looking through both 'Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Classroom in a book' and 'ActionScript 3.0 for Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Classroom in a book' I have found both books really interesting especially the actionScript one which has so many tutorials on how to use actionScript effectively.

Andy Foulds

Andy Foulds has a really interesting experimental web page which I have enjoyed looking at. It has an amusements section which features all of his sometimes humourous examples of work. A recommend you have a look at some of his work.

Jop Wielens

Another site linked by the module website is this one by Jop Wielens. Which has some interesting ways of interacting with a flash file using the webcam and microphone would be intersting to try some of this out myself.


As a starting point to learning actionScript I have been looking at other websites and other designers work. I came across this website from the links on the Module webpage which I think is brilliant. It shows the way in which playing with action script can help you learn and this website called has some excellent examples I particuarly like the 'Dress me up in 360' app which is very cleverly done.

Module Guide

Here is a link to the associated web page for this module created by my module leader and lecturer Andrew Richardson (no relation). It provides a very useful starting point with lots of links and information. It also outlines the purpose of this module a lot clearer than I do and has the full module guide for you to view at your leisure.

Lets Begin

Welcome to my blog. This Blog has been created for my DMG 223 Module on my Design Multimedia and Graphics BA (hons) degree at Sunderland University. This Blog is all about playing and learning actionScript for flash through the freedom and expression of play, and I am going to be sharing all of this with you right here, all the heart ache and pain along with the good times too. So sit back and relax and come play yourself with some of the experiments I am hopefully going to succeed in creating.